About Us

Kanyakumari District Fishermen Sangams Federation

The Kanyakumari District Fishermen Sanghams Federation (KDFSF) is a community owned and community managed federation of 48 artisanal sea-going fishermen collectives registered as societies. The member base of KDFSF consists of 3712 fishing units. The federation has also promoted 810 Joint Liability Groups (JLG) with 4043 women members.

Community Owned

KDFSF is owned and managed by the local fishermen community, ensuring their welfare and empowerment.

Empowering Women

Through 810 Joint Liability Groups, KDFSF supports 4043 women members in various livelihood activities.

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Our Vision & Mission

Empowering Fishermen with Sustainable Livelihoods


Economic improvement of fishermen without adversely affecting the natural resource base. Greater control over inputs and marketing, preserving resources for future generations.


Helping fishermen get fair prices for their fish, promoting savings, facilitating access to loans for technology upgrades, and organizing Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) for fisherwomen's welfare.


Empowerment, Sustainability, Fairness, Community Development, and Conservation of Resources.

Some Facts

Empowering Fishermen Communities Since 1983

Kanyakumari District Fishermen Sangams Federation (KDFSF) is a community-owned and managed federation dedicated to the welfare and socio-economic development of small-scale fishermen and their families across 39 coastal villages in Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu.


Fishermen Families


Member Societies


Women in JLGs

Our Team

Expert Team Members